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Equality & Diversity Policy



The charity is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity, creating an inclusive environment and combating unfair treatment. Equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination is a fundamental human right and we will exercise leadership and commitment in promoting this right. 


The charity believes that this will be achieved through its roles as: 


∙ as an employer 

∙ as an organisation that involves volunteers and supporters. and 

∙ in the communities where we work


It is charity’s policy to respect the diversity of all employees, prospective employees, volunteers, partners, beneficiaries, contractors and suppliers and treat them fairly and equally regardless of characteristics such as gender, sexual orientation, family status, race, caste, culture, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religious belief, age, physical or mental ability, educational background, working patterns, responsibility for dependants, union membership, political affiliation. 


This policy applies to recruitment and selection, terms and conditions of employment (including pay, promotion, training and development, performance management, job evaluation) and every other aspect of employment. It also applies to ways of working with volunteers and supporters and how we treat our partners. 


Diversity includes all the characteristics, experiences and cultural influences that make each of us unique individuals. Inclusion means that all are welcome at the charity and will be treated with respect and dignity in line with the charity’s values, irrespective of their background. 




The charity is committed to promoting dignity and basic rights of every person and works with those that are committed to supporting all communities to promote basic rights and justice. 


The charity’s initiatives aim to foster strong and cohesive communities that build individual and community capacity, and where all people are recognised as being of equal worth and share common values and aspirations. 


Diversity and inclusion at the charity is aligned to this vision. 


The charity will challenge and support new and existing partners in their efforts to increase diversity awareness, knowledge and skills in their organisation and in the communities, through the provision of appropriate capacity building and resources. 


The charity expects that all employees take individual responsibility to ensure they comply with this policy and fully support and promote the principles of diversity and inclusiveness and encourages all those who interact with it to support these principles. 


The charity will strive for continuous improvement by identifying and promoting best practice and will challenge and address poor practice. Any breach or alleged breach of the policy will be taken seriously, investigated fully and may result in action under one or more of the charity’s Disciplinary, Grievance or Whistleblowing policies. In serious cases such behaviour may constitute gross misconduct and may result in dismissal. 


As an employer the charity’s objectives for equal and appropriate treatment in employment are to: 


  • Comply with legislation promoting diversity across different communities and cultures. Whilst legal and cultural frameworks may vary, the commitment from the charity to promote a diversity orientated culture remains

  • Employ a workforce that reflects the diversity of local contexts

  • Provide fair access to learning and development opportunities, encourage and support staff in fulfilling their potential

  • Provide a safe and accessible working environment that values and respects the identity and culture of each individual and that is free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation

  • Involve members of staff and staff groups on issues that affect them and communicate decisions effectively

  • Ensure all employees are managed in a fair and equitable way within the performance management framework

  • Provide fair and transparent pay structures

  • Promote opportunities for a healthy work life balance for all employees


As an organisation which involves volunteers the charity’s objectives for equal and appropriate treatment of volunteers from all sections of the community are to: 


  • Provide, where possible, a variety of specialist volunteer roles that will attract people from a range of backgrounds and abilities

  • Seek to make information about volunteering opportunities with the charity widely available

  • Ensure that volunteer recruitment procedures are fair and consistent 

  • Provide a safe and accessible environment in which every volunteer’s identity and culture will be valued and respected, and that is free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation

  • Provide appropriate learning and development opportunities for all specialist volunteers and encourage them to fulfil their potential within their volunteering role

  • Communicate with volunteers on a regular basis and give them opportunities to express their concerns and be involved in appropriate decision making

  • Welcome constructive feedback from all volunteers to consistently deliver the highest of standards for all volunteers of our charity ensuring all volunteers voices are heard and listened to


In the communities where we work and with external stakeholders the charity’s objectives for effective partnership with the community are to: 


  • Work with partner organisations to improve the quality of life for all people, and in doing so to provide an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, violence and that shares and promotes human well-being

  • Value identity, celebrating and respecting the variety of lifestyles, cultures and religions in a fair and sensitive way

  • Encourage and support people to be active in community life and exercise their democratic rights

  • Listen and respond to the views of local communities through appropriate public consultation and participation;

  • Ensure that wherever practicable, media publications and information resources promote diversity and that the charity’s material is accessible to all audiences. 


This policy was written: June 2022


This Policy will be reviewed:  June 2024

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